O2Fast and O2Fast+:
1. Why O2Fast?
O2Fast meets a dire need in the global market. It allows a lay person to help in any medical emergency. It bridges the time gap between the onset of the emergency and the time first responders arrive on the scene.
2. What makes O2Fast unique?
With O2Fast, the oxygen is created instantly from two dry, inert powders. With the turn of a knob. There is not a compressed tank, and there are no dials, valves, or regulators to deal with.
3. Is O2Fast easy to use?
Yes! There are three easy steps: (a) Plug in a quick connect; (b) turn the knob 1/4 ways; (c) place the mask of the patients nose and mouth. Call 911.

4. How long does the oxygen last?
Up to 20 minutes per single use cartridge.
5. What is the flow rate?
O2Fast produces high flow. No less than 6 liters per minute for a fifteen minute period.
6. Where is O2Fast placed? Who needs it?
(a) Any public or private access area where any medical emergency can occur. Think airports, malls, high rise buildings, manufacturing facilities, schools, residential and public swimming pools, golf clubs, RVs, restaurants, hotels, churches, and more.
(b) Any person who has a medical condition where emergency (high flow) oxygen is either required or highly recommended. For example, people with cardiovascular disease, and people with respiratory issues.
7. What is the difference between O2Fast and O2Fast+?
O2Fast+ is a smarter, cloud-connected O2Fast device with Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. The idea is enable device location, traceability, remote monitoring, and in the long term to improve medical outcomes through statistical, clinical, predictive and other analytics.
InRespi and InRespi+:
1. Why InRespi?
InRespi is another global first. InRespi is an oxygenated nebulizer, requiring no battery or power source, for use at home or on-the-go mainly by asthma patients.
2. What does it do exactly?
InRespi delivers oxygen and nebulized β2 agonist therapy simultaneously in asthma or other respiratory exacerbations.
3. Why does it matter?
It is the standard of care in hospitals. If you or your loved one has an asthma attack in a doctor's office or in hospital, they will provide you with high flow oxygen and nebulized β2 agonist therapy (like albuterol or epinephrine) simultaneously. Unfortunately, most asthma attacks don't conveniently happen when you are in a doctor's office. They happen at home, work or play. InRespi allows any at risk person to have that same standard of care conveniently handy wherever they are.
As the following chart demonstrates, there has been strong adoption of connected IoT devices in the medical device market, which adoption is expected to continue.

ER visits in the US: According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are approximately 145.6 million emergency department visits in United States each year.
Educational Facilities: There are approximately 138,153 educational campuses in the United States. Of these, there are approximately:
132,853 U.S. schools representing grades Kindergarten through 12th grade; and
5,300 United States College and Universities
Retail Outlets: There are over 1 million retail establishments across the United States, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF), and there were approximately 116,000 shopping malls in 2017, many of which likely have AEDs on site.
Manufacturing Facilities: According to the U.S. Census Bureau and the Manufacturing Institute, there were approximately 295,643 manufacturing plants, or establishments, in the United States in 2014.
Recreational Vehicles: According to the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA), there were approximately 9 million RVs are on the road in the United States in 2016. This represents a 29.3% increase in RV ownership since 2001 and is largely attributed to the enormous baby boomer generation. RV unit shipments were 483,700 in 2018, 504,600 units in 2017, and 430,700 units in 2016. The RVIA projects year-end totals of 402,100 units in 2019 and 386,400 units in 2020 would respectively rank as the fourth and sixth best years for the industry and easily exceed the 30-year (294,676 units), 20-year (331,206 units) and 10-year (332,210 units) industry averages for wholesale shipments.
Restaurants: The National Restaurant Association’s 2019 Restaurant Industry Factbook reported there are in excess of 1 million restaurant locations in the United States.
Residential Swimming Pools: According to the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) there are approximately 10.4 million residential and 309,000 public swimming pools in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that here in the United States, on average, 3,536 people died from drowning annually from 2005 to 2014, which equates to 10 deaths each day. About one in five people who die from drowning are children 14 and younger. In addition, there are thousands of others who suffer swimming pool-related injuries each year.
Airport, Public Use and Sports & Recreational Facilities: There are over 19,600 airports in the US of which 14,556 are private airports and approximately 5,000 of them public airports. The General Services Administration owns and leases 376.9 million square feet of space in 9,600 buildings in more than 2,200 communities nationwide. The Community Recreation, Fitness, and Parks Sector manages more than 108,000 public park facilities and 65,000 indoor facilities.
High Rise Buildings Office and Commercial Buildings: In 2012 there were approximately 5.6 million commercial buildings in the United States with 87 billion square feet of total floors space.
Hotels: There are approximately 56,000 hotels in the United States with 5.3 million guest rooms. It is estimated that there are approximately 115 rooms per floor on average. This implies approximate 46,000 hotels floors in the United States.
Golf Courses and Clubs: In 2018 there were 14,613 golf course facilities in the United States with 16,693 total courses.
Places of Worship: In 2005 there were approximately 330,000 congregations in the United States.
Patrol Cars: There are approximately 411,000 public police officer patrol cars and several hundred thousand additional private security patrol cars in the United States.
People with Cardiovascular Disease: The American Heart Association estimates there were approximately 121.5 million Americans with cardiovascular disease (CVD) in 2016, or 48% of adults. Excluding those with hypertension leaves 24.3 million Americans or 9% of the adult population. 840,678 Americans died from CVD in 2016. Focusing on the CVD population without hypertension: roughly 1% of people in their 20’s and 30’s have CVD, 8% of 40 and 50 year-olds have CVD. The prevalence almost triples to 21% of the population for 60 and 70 year-olds and nearly doubles again to almost 40% of people older than 80. The larger incidence in older populations combined with the rapid onset of the aging baby boomer population together suggest the number of Americans suffering from such diseases is likely to rise. Source: American Heart Association, Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, 2019